In addition it is raya festive time, people come and visit us, especially me! :). My Tok and Tok Wan also came here to visit me. My cousins, aunties and uncles as well. I also collects a sum of "Duit Raya".
Not many pictures of me were taken during past 5 days. I have been sleeping alot. Oh yes, yesterday daddy went to Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara to officially register my birth. After that, we went to hospital, mummy has to see the doctor for dressing her wound. Then they took me to a paediatrician since I did not pass motion for the past 3 days. Mummy and daddy a bit worried but the doctor said it is ok.
Please enjoy my expanding competency in various styles:

The shirt says "Good things come in small packages", yes that's me with only 2.4kg at birth!

In a deep sleep....

Mummy find it is difficult to fit me with all the clothes, mittens and booties that she bought for me. See my bootiesssssss!!!! hihihihi .... ahha! the yellow blanket is called "miracle blanket"!
Hi There,
This is Brendan from Dublin, Ireland, what a beautiful baby, looks just like her Daddy.
Hi There,
wow, you look smart in your booties, you can always lend your daddy!!!!!
This Anne from Rwanda.I love you.
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