My paycheck!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Back to my routine

Back in Bahrain, I do my normal activity - sleeping. I can sleep for hours, woke up for drink and sleep again and so on. Yeah, I love sleeping (like daddy) sssshhhhh!!! When I sleep, mummy has to ensure that all my favourite toys and books are around me hehehe ... see..see...
This is the example where I was too tired, I slept immediately after finished my drink and mummy had difficulty to burp me then.

2 days ago daddy took us out to relax by the beach. However I fell asleep immediately and we ended up moving around the city wihtout leaving the car hehehe ...

Last night we went to Lulu Supermarket. Daddy said I am looking good (means very the comel, apart from the normal comel) wearing this suit. Do you agree? I think I tend to agree with daddy hahaha ....

Now I also know how to make facial expression. What does this imply?
psstt: something smelly? hahahahah

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